
A unique flower subscription experience!

Adopt-A-Dahlia and experience the joy we have when we watch these beauties grow from a tuber into what I like to call “Garden Royalty”! They truly do take over the show when their majestic blooms arrive in late summer!
Here is how it works:

When you adopt the dahlia of your choice, you will be invited to the Summer
Kick-Off event at our farm in mid-May. At that time, you will plant your tuber in a reserved section of our field and mark it with a custom garden stake, made just for you. Then over the summer, we will care for it, share updates such as when it pops out of the ground, when we pinch it to ensure the most branches and blooms, when we fertilize it, when it gets its first buds and when it blooms! At that point, you will begin receiving weekly bouquets of your dahlia blooms mixed with a variety of blooms from our own personal collection of dahlias! These will bloom into mid-late October, or until the first frost!

You can expect to receive at least 4 bouquets with your order.

Please note: We do not ship orders. All orders are for local pickup, however, if you are interested in adopting a dahlia and cannot have your bouquets picked up, we will happily donate each one to a local small business of our choice, a nursing home, assisted living facility, hospital etc. in your name. You will be notified where each is delivered.